Where we are going.
Building upon the insights garnered from our CSR audit, we outline on this page our Action Plan and the strategic steps we are taking to reduce our carbon footprint and promote responsible business practices.
To achieve such reduction in our carbon emissions, we have built our Action Plan around three major axes:
The emissions related to F-ONE and MANERA’s products (materials, manufacturing, use and end-of-life) represent 79% of the company’s total footprint.
The raw materials themselves account for 41% of F-ONE and MANERA’s carbon footprint. The majority of this impact comes from polyester-based products (26% of raw materials).
As it could be reduced by 51% (i.e. a 5% reduction in total emissions), some of our ongoing actions include:
Changing our materials to more sustainable alternatives could lead to a decrease of 1900 tons of CO2e. Finding better alternatives to finishing processes would result in a decrease of 600 tons of CO2e.
41% of F-ONE’s emissions – 3908t

31% of F-ONE’s emissions- 3004t

7% of F-ONE’s emissions- 715t

Freight accounts for 12% of F-ONE and MANERA’s carbon footprint and distribution 2%.
Most of this impact comes from air travel, and it could be reduced by 850 tCO2e (or 9% of the overall carbon footprint) by eliminating air travel altogether. Some of our ongoing actions include:
12% of F-ONE’s emissions- 1111t

In the long-term, we aim at achieving the lowest possible carbon emissions from head office operations.
The carbon impact of headquarters, warehouses and general services represents only 7% of F-ONE and MANERA’s overall carbon footprint. Implementing actions aimed at reducing this impact helps to establish a model for internal operations. Such actions are also part of our commitment to transparency. These help to create a dynamic of awareness, education, activation and, ultimately, transformation.
6% of F-ONE’s emissions- 640t